Friday, March 09, 2007

Future of the Soviet Union... 1930s

Red Square (Russian: Красная площадь, Krasnaya ploshchad) is the most famous city square in Moscow.

В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
Мы видим грядущее нашей страны,
И Красному знамени славной Отчизны
Мы будем всегда беззаветно верны!
In the victory of the immortal ideas of Communism
We see the future of our country
To the Red flag of our glorious Fatherland
We shall always be selflessly loyal

Librarian: One of the most dangerous professions

Most of the grimoires are highly dangerous to people, and sometimes the books even consume them, but the Librarian is no person, and he no longer requires a ladder to reach those tricky high-up shelves.
(wiki? Discworld?)